Monday, March 17, 2008

Audacity of Hype

We have been hearing little from the press about the background of Barrack Obama. His history is mostly from his own narrative. Few, if any, contemporary accounts are available about his early life. He was largely raised by his grandparents after his mother died. Of course he was sent to live with them before she died, the reason? Probably not told to a 10 year old.

We read how when he was moving to be a community organizer (strange job desire, but fits with his socialist leanings) he needed a church to go to, to help him be more effective in the community. He found one, one that had a father figure that preached hatred for whites, a need for blacks to live by their own value set (this has been conveniently taken off the church's website ... but the internet has a long memory here is a discussion of the missing "values"). His white grandparents sent him to the most exclusive private school in Hawaii. But as a community organizer who was looking for influence he has spent over 20 years listening to the hate spewing rhetorician Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., the man who he credits for giving him the title for one of his two autobiographies, The Audacity of Hope.

The Democrats have not vetted their hype candidate, this happens when people are mesmerized by empty rhetoric, (shades of John F. Kerry running for office as a war hero). Obama is claiming that he never heard those hateful words spoken from the pulpit, he doesn't agree with the racist views of Rev. Wright. Obama has a tell (the poker player's downfall). Cuffy at Perfunction covers it well. Google Sharpsville and Wright you will see a lot of hits about a particularly hateful sermon that Obama actually did sit in the congregation during this sermon. (he claims this in his autobiography). So Obama which is correct? Looking at his support of this church, I believe we have an answer; Obama gave over $22,000 to this church in 2006.

Obama is lying, but about which offense? He supports Rev. Wright and his race based church or he doesn't, which is it? Does he believe as his minister preaches that the US Government created AIDS to kill the people of color? Does he believe that blacks should reject the "middle class-ness" so denigrated by Rev. Wright? He has been subjecting his children to this hate since they were born. Michelle Obama (his wife) has told us that she has never been proud to be an American until Barrack has gotten where he is in the presidential race.

Oh, and don't forget that Oprah Winfrey endorses Obama, they both attend Rev. Jeremiah Wright's race based congregation. So is she supporting him because of the oath they signed to support the Black Value System?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

New Bumper Sticker for the Dems

This simple truth brought to you by Alberta Oil Peon.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.

I had the inspiration to write about Sor Juana, as we call her familiarly in Mexico, because she was a most remarcable woman, almost unknown outside of Mexico, where, by the contrary, she's so well known that the 200-peso bills carry her portrait.
Her name translates as Sister Joan Inez of the Cross, her name as a nun, while her name in the world was Juana de Asbaje y Ramírez. There are tons of books about her in Spanish, but very little information in English. Here, I'm going to link the best I found on the web about her in Shakespeare's language, a page from Oregon State U.
That information in general is quite accurate except for a few typos. I will refer only to one: it says she was born in Mepantla, but the actual name of the town is Nepantla; an obvious typo. Another minor mistake is that when she goes to school at the age of three, she goes to the "amiga" (femenine friend), and the Oregon U page says it means "girl", which it doesn't. Niña for a young one or muchacha for an older one are the words for girl. Actually "amiga" was the name given to what we call kindergarten now, back then in 1651. Amiga for the girls and amigo for the boys.
One more thing I want to comment -although it is hinted at in that article- is that when she was 16 years old, the fame of her huge culture came to the ears of the Viceroy of Mexico, who gathered FOURTY wise men, in all sciences Divine and human and she was called to the Viceroyal Palace to sit in the middle of the 40, who threw all kinds of questions to her...and she responded every one correctly! She even elaborated some of them explaining obscure points of Theology, Astronomy, poetry, what have you, to those learned men. The Viceroy and his wife were so amazed and happy with her that from that moment on she lived for several years in the Palace.
Ok, enough of me. Let the Oregon University page speak.
P.S. Just want to add that she wrote a huge amount of books, many of them in verse. She said it was easier for her to write in verse than in prose. She even wrote a Treatise on Astronomy in verse.
Ok, this is all :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

And here I am.

I have been honored by Skeptical One with an invitation to post on her blog, FraidyCrats.
This is the first time in my life I have access to post entries in a blog and I'm nervous about it! Any new activity is always a source of some nervousness for me, so I can say I was expecting this. Of course, I'm more excited than nervous, as this is another step for old me to become a XXI Century denizen ;)
Renew or die, says the proverb, and I plan to live longer hehe.
I don't know practically anything about this blogging business, but I can learn (I learned how to eat by myself! And tie my shoelaces too!), and with the wonderful help of Skeptikal One I know I will sail through the terrifying ocean of Cybernia with good success and reach port whenever necessary.
I still don't know what I will comment about, but 1.) subjects are almost infinite and 2.) the nice owner of the blog has given me carte blanche to deal with topics, a confidence that I appreciate a lot. I will behave and be a good boy, I won't go into personal grievances and the like over here; trying to aboard issues that could be interesting for others.
Ok, thanks a lot Skeptical One, much appreciated :)
This will be all for my first post ever.
God bless my friend S.O. and everyone that might read this comment.

Miguel aka as Miguelito ;)

The Biggest Liar in the Democrat Primary
Season Just Got Busted

John Edwards has never seemed to be an honest person to me. He seems the sort that will say anything, claim anything as long as it gets him attention.
Well, after the tragic asassination of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan John Edwards said the following (on 12/27/2007 on his website):

"I spoke to President Musharraf a few minutes ago and I urged him to continue the democratization process because of how important it is to the Pakistani people and how important it is to his country. I also urged him to allow international investigators into Pakistan so that, for the rest of the world, there can be credibility in determining what the facts were and what actually occurred."
John Edwards own Website

People were skeptical about his actually talking to Musharraf. When people expressed doubt, Edwards reiterated his statement. The incident was covered by Ben Smith at Politico quoting Radio Iowa, the blog, when I spoke to the ambassador earlier today I said if Musharraf, if the president had time would you have him give me a call because I'd like to speak with him directly and he called."
Politico Blog by Ben Smith

I don't know how long the reference on John Edwards site will stay there, since he got caught in the lie tonight in Las Vegas. But this man has NO business running for office, he should just go back to his ambulance chasing days.

Did you notice the rapid blinking of his eyes when he lies? It is his tell, much like Bill Clinton's tell was the boney finger pointing at the interviewer.

Now perhaps Edwards will go and try to change the narrative, claim that others got it wrong. But they didn't and IF they did he left them with the impression that he was doing presidential type work. Many on the right were condemning his showboating and saying that his insertion of himself in the situation was unwise. Well, now it turns out he didn't do anything but grab headlines.

Thank you Andrew Breitbart for making sure everyone can see what this phony is really like.

John Edwards Claiming he didn't talk to Musharraf now

Watch the video.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Concept Beyond the Fraidycrats...

One thing that the DefeatoCrats never seem to understand is there are millions of patriotic Americans. That Memorial Day isn't a day of barbecues and picnics but a day of thanks and appreciation for the sacrifice that members of the Armed Forces have made to keep our country free and safe.
On this Memorial Day we would like to thank Rides a Pale Horse for his video montage expressing his feelings about our country and the men and women who have sacrificed for her . Rides a Pale Horse's Video.

Fly your flag, visit a cemetery, pause to give thanks and honor who have served and those we have lost in service to our country.

The difference between the political parties has never been so stark. John Edwards has asked people to protest the war this Memorial Day. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama voted against funding troops in the field now. If shame were an emotion that Democrats could feel this Memorial Day would be a good time to hang their heads. However, the concept of shame is NOT in a Democrat's make-up.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Harry Reid looking for more Republicans to teach to surrender

The Democratically controlled Senate gave the troops the funding that they needed today. However, they gave the money for only a limited time. Senator Reid decided to demonstrate how our troops should confront Al Qeda and Iranian operatives.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada was more emphatic: "Senate Democrats will not stop our efforts to change the course of this war until either enough Republicans join with us to reject President Bush's failed policy or we get a new president." Story here.

Harry Reid, surrendercrat Nevada, demonstrates how to approach the terrorists.

We need leaders in Congress, too bad all we have are democrats and too many Republicans that act like democrats.